

Natural ingredients to regulate the digestive tract and alleviate constipation and flatulence.  

Regulative  I  Mildly laxative  I  Carminative

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Natural ingredients to regulate the digestive tract and alleviate diarrheal complaints.

Cleansing  I  Adsorbing  I  Detoxifying

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"For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect."

-Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer-

Plants and herbal preparations have been used to treat digestive disorders for centuries and are highly valued for their beneficial effects on the bowel system.

Vegetable carbon is an anciently known substance that has been widely used for thousands of years as a healing remedy. It is especially well-known for its binding and cleansing properties and is commonly used to both treat and improve digestive distress.

The right combination of herbal ingredients can help alleviate intestinal complaints in a sustainable, natural and safe way.

More about your bowel



Make healthy lifestyle choices to improve
your digestive system

Bowel health is often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. Treat your gut well by making the right decisions every day.

Eat a healthy nutritious diet with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and fiber

Avoid heavily processed meals that contain high levels of sodium, refined sugar and fat

Make sure
to drink 2 liters (6–8 glasses) of water every day

whole-body exercises in your daily routine

Destress and
pursue a balanced mental state

Natural bowel health since 1909

It all started in a Viennese pharmacy over 100 years ago, when the pharmacist Franz Trenka and the university professor Wolfgang Pauli came together to work on a herbal formula that would alleviate the
population from intestinal complaints.

In 1909, Eucarbon® was developed, combining active ingredients derived from vegetable carbon, senna leaves and rhubarb root. With the formulation of Eucarbon® these individual agents were united for the first time, complementing each other in their effects to promote intestinal well-being.

History - Eucarbon tins 1909 1909

The pharmacist Franz Trenka and Dr. Wolfgang Pauli develop the Eucarbon® formula in a pharmacy in Vienna. For over 100 years now, the composition of Eucarbon's tablets remains unchanged.

Eucarbon History - Franz Trenka 1929 1929

Foundation of the company F.Trenka by Franz Trenka

History - Eucarbon tins 1930 1930

Eucarbon® is launched in neighbouring Hungary

History - Eucarbon box carton WW2 1939

Due to the lack of tin material during the time of war in Europe, Eucarbon® is temporarily packaged in round carton packets.

Eucarbon History - registration form 1950 1950

Eucarbon® is registered as a pharmaceutical product. The registration number is 136.

Eucarbon History - banner 1951 1951

Eucarbon® is first exported to Germany.

Eucarbon history - brand tin 1960 1960

In Austria, Eucarbon® starts selling in a yellow tin which quickly becomes its trademark packaging

Eucarbon History - Arabic pharmacy 1963 1963

Eucarbon® starts its expansion to the Middle East, including Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

Eucarbon History - advertising Yemen 1968 1968

Introduction of Eucarbon® to Yemen and Bahrein

Eucarbon History - packaging 1970 1970

Export of Eucarbon® to South Africa

Eucarbon History - Michaela Kamler 1977 1977

F.Trenka is taken over by Mrs. Michaela Kamler

Eucarbon History - packaging 1981 1981

Eucarbon® is exported to Israel and Marocco

Eucarbon History - pharao mascot 1993 1993

Launch of Eucarbon® in Egypt

Eucarbon history - Biocarbon packaging 1994 1994

Biocarbon® is first launched in Austria and later exported around the world

Eucarbon History - Arab Health 1996 1996

F.Trenka participates at the expo Arab Health for the first time

Eucarbon History - packaging 1997 1997

Eucarbon® herbal is first exported to Columbia

Eucarbon History - Display Korea 1999

 Eucarbon® is launched in Korea

Eucarbon History - packaging 1999 1999

Export of Eucarbon® to Romania

Eucarbon History - packaging 2002 2002

Eucarbon® herbal is registered for the first time in Austria

Eucarbon History - 100yrs anniversary 2009

Eucarbon®'s 100 Year Anniversary is celebrated around the world

Eucarbon History - Salta Investments Strüngmann 2016 2016

Fabian Strüngmann - through his Salta Investments GmbH- acquires the controlling majority of F.Trenka, taking the company into the next generation.

Eucarbon History - Irland 2017 2017

 Eucarbon® herbal is launched in Ireland as an OTC brand with a distinct packaging

Eucarbon History - packaging 2018 2018

Re-design of Eucarbon®

Eucarbon History - Biocarbon packaging 2018 2018

Re-design of Biocarbon®