The holy month of Ramadan is a period of fasting during which Muslims abstain from food and drink between sunrise and sunset. At this time, people also try to give up bad habits and live healthier. Unfortunately, digestive complaints often occur during this period due to excessive eating after breaking the fast. To find the right balance, avoiding indigestion and maintaining a healthy gut, a holistic approach of a nutrient-rich diet and moderate physical activity is advisable. The following tips help to keep digestion going naturally.

Nutrition tips

- Healthy diet for a digestible Ramadan -

More information

Ramadan Cooking

- Delicious recipes for Suhoor and Iftar - 

More information


- Get your digestion going during Ramadan - 

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A herbal remedy to naturally regulate digestion and relieve constipation and flatulence.  

Regulative  I  Mildly laxative  I  Carminative

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